• April is Safe Digging Month

811 is the phone number you call before digging to protect yourself and others from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines.

Information carried over from: www.call811.com/before-you-dig


Call 811 before you start any digging project. You can help avoid injury, expense, embarrassment and a very inconvenient day without critical services like electricity, internet or phone.

Wait for the marks. Utilities will mark their buried lines on your dig site. Most locate crews will arrive to mark your dig site with paint or flags within a few days and will make sure you know where to avoid digging so you don’t hit buried utilities.

Dig Safely. Make sure to always dig carefully around the marks, not on them. Some utility lines may be buried at a shallow depth, and an unintended shovel thrust can bring you right back to square one – Safe digging is no accident.

Check out more at: www.call811.com

PDF: Homeowner Process Document


